The God Complex Synopsis

Here is the synopsis for my upcoming novel. It will be part of a series of books entitled Wright Time, Wrong Place which will itself be a part of a series called Wayne Wright Chronicles. Enjoy:

Things were normal in the quiet town of Weston until strange lights appeared in the night sky. The next day, a mysterious new student by the name of Wayne Wright appeared at school. No one knew anything about this new student, but they knew there was something not quite right about him. He didn’t seem like a normal teen. Two students named Rachel Winters and Ryan Harper were intrigued by him, though, and quickly befriended him. Others like Ryan’s brother, Eric Harper, and Daniel Evans branded him an outcast. They did everything they could to make his school life a living hell. It didn’t seem to faze Wayne. Instead, he seemed to relish it like it was some big game to challenge him which only made them step up their attacks on him. Then, the unthinkable happened. Their history teacher assigned them all to a group for a class project. They decided, after a little pushing by Daniel, to meet at Wayne’s house later that afternoon. When they got there, they noticed the house seemed kind of deserted like Wayne lived there by himself. They also discovered a project that Wayne was working on, a time machine. He eagerly gave them a demonstration by transporting them ahead one week into the future. Daniel wasn’t convinced and told him to push the envelope more.

Wayne reluctantly agreed and decided to take them a hundred years into the future, but a malfunction in the controls flings them back into the distant prehistoric past. Waking up in the middle of a tropical jungle with a volcano in the distance, Wayne tries to transport them back to the present, but the control wouldn’t respond. They were now trapped. Wayne tried to assess their situation which only resulted in bickering among the group. Wayne finally took control and headed inside the time machine to see if he could repair what was wrong. After hours of tinkering, things started to seem hopeless as he had no idea what was causing the malfunction in the time engines. He decided to prepare the group for an extended stay in this time. The next morning, he took Eric with him and headed out into the wilderness to gather supplies leaving the rest of the group at the campsite. The trip would be futile, though, as they would run into the local wildlife of the area, carnivorous dinosaurs. Escaping barely with their lives, they found out that the rest of their group seemed to have suffered a worse fate. The campsite was abandoned and looked like something had rampaged through the entire area. There was no sign of anyone else from their group.

They were presumed dead until Wayne found a trail leading away from the campsite. Following the trail, they found Daniel who was with Ryan when he was attacked by some sort of prehistoric humanoid. With this knowledge, they knew that the rest were still alive, but their lives were in danger. They pressed on tracking the humanoids back to their settlement. By nightfall, they found their settlement and saw that the creatures were preparing for some sort of ceremony for their gods with the rest of their group to be sacrifices. They had to find a way to sneak into the settlement and rescue their friends. Wayne decided to sneak into the village alone to make sure they were okay. He found Rachel trying to befriend one of the creatures with a bit of success. It gave him the chance to make sure they were okay and to assess the village so he could formulate a plan on how to rescue his friends. With knowledge in hand, he headed back to Eric and Daniel. He decided that the best course of action would be to cause a distraction that would occupy the humanoids while they snuck back in to release their friends. Wayne, who was feeling guilty about getting them into this trouble, volunteered to distract the humanoids while Eric and Daniel would rescue Rachel, Kelly, and Ryan. He caused a stampede of triceratops to run through the village which kept them occupied. Eric and Daniel used the opportunity and snuck into the village and released their friends. They then fled up into the mountains, but the humanoids, who spotted them leaving, were close on their heels. After hours of flight, they were trapped on a cliff with no means of escape. They thought it was all over, but several ships suddenly appeared in the night sky which scared away the humanoids. They thought they were finally safe, but they found out that these were the “gods” that the humanoids worshipped, and they were aliens called the Rhylorians. They took Wayne and his friends captive.

They were taken to the leader of the Rhylorians named Ta’ Vasylis Karrus where they were interrogated on how they got there and what species were they. The interrogation was pointless, however, because they couldn’t understand what Ta’ Karrus was saying, so they were taken to some sort of medical bay where they were implanted with some sort of translation device, except for Wayne. He could somehow understand what the Rhylorians were saying. Wayne was instead taken on a tour of the mine to show exactly what the Rhylorians were doing there. He realized they were after the time machine they had arrived in. Realizing the real danger they were in, he formulated a plan with his friend to escape back to the time machine. With the help of a Rhylorian who was sympathetic with them, they escape back out into the jungle and race back to the time machine. They were not in time as they arrive just as the Rhylorians seize control of their ship. Now, without their time machine, they were truly stuck there. Wayne decided it was his responsibility to recover their ship from the Rhylorians, but his friends wouldn’t let him go alone. They left together and snuck back into the alien camp later that night. They made it all the way to where the Rhylorians kept the time machine, but they then realized why they made it there so easily. It was a trap devised by Ta’ Karrus with the help of one of their own, Daniel. He now had all the pieces to construct his very own time machine.

He took Wayne’s friends as bargaining chips, so he would cooperate with the Rhylorians. He also assigned his personal servant, Bregan, to assist Wayne. Wayne knew he had to figure out how to stop Ta’ Karrus’s plans and rescue his friends. He had to play along for now however, and take the time to repair the time machine. While Wayne was working on the time machine, Eric and Daniel were put to work in the mines, and Ryan and the girls were held captive up in the Rhylorian ship. They tried to cope the best way they could while Wayne tried to figure out how to get them out of this. Wayne tried to recruit some help from among Ta’ Karrus’s own people to aid in their escape. He tried reasoning with them, but they wouldn’t listen at first. Then, some started listening as they started to see what Ta’ Karrus’s true intentions were. He wasn’t going to use the time machine for the Rhylorian Empire. He was going to use it to make himself a true “god” among insects. With the help of Bregan and Ta’ Karrus’s own second-in-command, Tor’ Kryas Pak, Wayne began to formulate a way to stop Ta’ Karrus’s mad plans. First, he would get Eric to befriend the slaves in an effort to start an uprising. While the slave uprising distracted the Rhylorians, Wayne, Bregan, and Bregan’s people, the Bree, would sabotage the Rhylorian ship, rescue the rest of Wayne’s friends, and give the rest a chance to flee from the Rhylorians. Things seemed to be going according to plan until they learn that one of the Bree had told Ta’ Karrus the entire plan, and he waited for the rest to fall into his trap, but Wayne was counting on that. Wayne was the distraction for Ta' Karrus while Bregan sabotaged the ship and left with the rest of his people to assist the trapped slaves. The Rhylorian camp in shambles, Wayne headed back to the mine to free a piece of the time engine that was preventing the time machine from working. Before he is able to free the time engine, he was confronted once again by Ta’ Karrus who somehow managed to escape the crashing Rhylorian ship. He lunged in at Wayne for the kill, but Bregan sacrificed himself to save Wayne. Wayne took that opportunity and freed the time engine. The two battled as the volcano surrounding the mine prepared to erupt. Wayne leaped through the hole in time left by the time engine and escaped back into the time machine before Ta’ Karrus could, and Ta’ Karrus is burnt alive by the rivers of lava pumping through the mines. Wayne and his friends rescue what prehistoric humanoids they could before the area is engulfed by the exploding volcano and transport away into time. They arrived sometime in the Paleolithic Period where they drop the surviving prehistoric humanoids off. They then returned back to the ship and left hoping their next destination would be home.


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