
Hey, my name is William J. Krimson. I thought I would take this time to post an introduction of who I am. Now, I know some of you aren’t interested in that kind of info and will probably never read this post, but to those who are interested, please read on. I will try my best to let you know a little bit about me.

I guess we should start with a little basic information. I was born in Jacksonville, Arkansas on July 4, 1976. Yes, that’s right. I am an Independence baby. I lived most of my life, though, in the great state of North Carolina (sarcasm). My interests are writing (of course), hiking, drawing, reading a good book, Xbox 360, movies, swords, Transformers, the Marvel Universe, sci-fi, Dungeons & Dragons, Halloween, and anything creative.

I went to college (well, a community college) to study criminal justice. I planned to be a private investigator, but things didn’t quite pan out. Between family problems and losing interest in my chosen career path, I dropped out of school after the first year. It was then that I knew my true career path was writing.

I always loved writing. I just never took it seriously as a career path. I started when I was in elementary school with my very first short story, “When I Lived On Mars”. You can say that’s where the character, Wayne Wright, was born. I was always writing stories on adventures I wish I could go on. I lived through the character, who was at the time named Wayne Smith, and experienced other worlds, battled unfathomable evils, saving those I cared about, and living the kind of life I wished I could have as a child.

I used to get in trouble for writing my short stories because I used to write them during class which the teachers frowned upon. It was my escape from reality. I never really showed my work to anyone. Why should I? They were my worlds. I didn’t want anyone messing up my perfect little worlds. Then, that changed when I got my first audience.

I had to write short stories for Language Arts. That terrified me. What scared me worse was that I had to read them in front of class. I didn’t want to participate, but I knew I had no choice. I worked my butt off on my first story for class. It had to be perfect. I decided to make it an adventure comedy for a little bit of humor. I was hoping it would give the intended reactions, but I wasn’t sure if the class would get my type of humor.

The next day, I was never so scared in my whole life. I nervously read my story in front of the class expecting everyone to hate it, but instead, they loved it. They laughed at all of the funny moments and applauded at the end. I never felt so great. I had no further problems reading in front of them from that moment on. I was ready to reveal my works to the world.

I continued writing throughout high school, but I had graduated past short stories. It was time to write a full-blown book. I created the Four Detectives and tried my hand with the mystery genre. I wrote at least three stories for the four boys (Lee Smith, Brian Smith, Jeff Franks, and Seth Anderson) who loved a good mystery to solve. It went over quite well with my fellow students. It was what made me popular in high school. Everyone knew who I was by my writing. It was the greatest feeling in the world.

You would have thought that with all the response I got that I would have known then to become a writer. Instead, writing mysteries got me interested in another profession. I wanted to be a private investigator. I got caught up in all of the romantic notions of what P.I.’s were back in the day, so after high school, I went to school to study Criminal Justice. My eyes brightened with the ideas of cracking cases and living the adventure of a Magnum P.I., a Mike Hammer, or some other cliché private investigator from stories you read about, and I was ready to get my education in P.I. 101.

Then, I learned that in the state of North Carolina you had to not only get an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice, but you also had to spend at least two years as a police officer. That idea really didn’t go over too well with me because I’m not too fond of police after an incident with my brother and the cops. That topped with my parents’ increasing health issues convinced me to quit school after I was one year into my studies. My parents didn’t like the idea, but I’ve never regretted it. I knew that it was no longer my path in life.

I had finally figured out that my path was writing. I returned to my writing ferociously with my first attempt at a novel called “Star Phoenix”. I also began writing stories for comic books. I crafted my trade with each page I pounded away at on the computer. Unfortunately, those weren’t the right stories for me at the time, even though I will get back to them eventually (the comic stories I will post here). I needed something that was going to be a challenge and would excite me on every level. It would make me stretch my imagination further than it had ever been stretched before.

That’s when I dusted off some old material I worked on when I was a kid. It was the character named Wayne Smith. The title of the series of stories was “The Adventures of Wayne Smith”. The first story was about a time machine he finds and uses to travel throughout time and space. I always loved that story, but I never had any intentions of making it public. It was something just for me, but times had changed since that decision. It was time to bring Wayne Smith to the world.

It needed some serious polishing though. A lot of the ideas of the story were outdated, so it went through a series of changes. Before long, it became so much more than it was ever meant to be. It was so much more grand. To match the new story, it was time to change the name of the main character. Wayne Smith became Wayne Wright and the series became “Wayne Wright Chronicles”. It was now ready for the rest of the world.

That brings us to right now. I’m currently deep into the process of writing the first story of the series called “The God Complex”. Hopefully, it will be the beginning of many more to come. I’m really excited about the story, and I’m ready to share it with all of you, my hopefully soon loyal readers. All I can say is keep checking back to find out the status of my story on my Facebook page. I’ll do my best to give you up-to-date information on where my story stands. I hope that soon I’ll be in print. It’ll be one of my hugest accomplishments ever.

Anyways, I hope this gives you a little insight on who I am and where I am going. I’m sorry this post turned into a book (which my girlfriend always accuses all of my writing becoming, lol), but I probably could have written a whole lot more. I wanted my readers to get a little insight on who wrote what they were reading. I feel it’s important to help you get a feel for what a writer is trying to convey on to his audience. Hopefully, this helps a little. Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy my future posts. Until the next time…


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