The God Complex (Prologue)

     The sounds of gunfire and explosions echoed throughout the house. Occasionally, something would screech in pain as if it was dying. If one didn’t know any better, they would have thought it was a warzone, but it was just another normal night for the Harper children. The two brothers were gathered in the family room around the television playing a video game. They moved their joysticks frantically to control their characters on the screen.

     “Die, alien scum!” said Nicholas as he leaned closer to the screen.

     Ryan just sat back in his seat. He could tell that Nicholas was really into the game, but for some reason, he couldn’t. He turned to the window and gazed up into the night sky. He wished things could be different, but they weren’t.

     “Ryan, aliens on the left,” said Nicholas. “Cover me so that I can get a better position to flank them.”

     Ryan didn’t respond. He didn’t even hear his brother. He was lost in thought. Blasts came from the alien invaders on the screen tearing holes through Nicholas’s character. His character dropped quickly to the ground. The game was over. He slapped Ryan hard on the shoulder which seemed to bring him back to his senses.

     “Huh? What?"

     “I told you to cover me. Weren’t you paying attention?”

     “I’m sorry, bro. My head’s just not into the game tonight,” Ryan glanced up towards the second floor.

     Nicholas said, “Well, get your head back into the game! You can’t let what Eric said bother you. He’s been an ass to everyone lately. Get your mind off of it by helping me kick some serious alien butt.”

     “I can’t, I’m sorry,” Their youngest brother, Brandon, slowly poked his head up from behind the couch as if he was trying to avoid being spotted. “Brandon, why don’t you just sit up here with us if you want to watch?”

     He looked over at Nicholas and replied, “Because he don’t want me to.” Ryan turned to face him shaking he head in disappointment.

     “What?” Nicholas glanced back innocently, “I don’t. You let him tag around with you for a day. I think I’m entitled to a little Brandon-free time.” Ryan just sighed.

     He said, “He’s just ten years old. He just wants to hang around his cooler older brother.”

     “Cooler?” questioned Brandon. Ryan turned to slug him. He wasn’t helping his case.

     Nicholas said, “Well, he can hang out with you then. I’m tired of babysitting. I’m here to stop an evil alien race from wiping out all life on this planet. Now, are you ready?” Ryan hesitated for a moment.

     “I’m really not in the mood,” he replied.

     “What? I told you I needed your help on this level. There are too many of them.”

     “Normally, I would be all too happy to play, but not tonight.”

     Brandon eyes brightened as he seemed to jump at the opportunity, “I’ll play. Please, Ryan, let me play.” Ryan smiled at his enthusiasm.

     “That sounds like a great idea,”exclaimed Ryan. “There you go, Nick. You’ve got yourself a partner.” He casually tossed his controller to Brandon.

     Nicholas shook his head, “I don’t want to play with him. He doesn’t even know how to work the controls. We won’t even make it past the first wave. We’ll be slaughtered.”

     “I do too know how to work the controls,” replied Brandon. “You just don’t want to play with me.”

     Nicholas said, “That’s not true. The game says that you can only play if you’re thirteen or older. You’re not old enough to play yet.” He pulled the controller out of Brandon’s grasp.

     Brandon yanked the controller back, “You’re lying! The box says you have to be seventeen or older, so you’re not supposed to be playing either.”

     “I don’t care,” Nicholas grabbed back the controller. “I don’t want you playing with me, and that’s that.”

     Brandon reached up for the controller as he tried to keep it out of his reach, “Give it back. It’s my turn to play.”

     “Give him the controller, Nick.”

     “No,” replied Nicholas, “he’s not always going to get his way.” Brandon punched Nicholas in the face which distracted him long enough for Brandon to reclaim the controller. Nicholas quickly got up and shoved Brandon down. He got back up and started swinging at his older brother. Nicholas didn’t swing back. He just grabbed his arms and took the controller back. He wasn’t defeated so easily. He tackled Nicholas, and they both landed on the couch. They both rolled around on the couch each trading blows with each other.

     Ryan finally had seen enough. He grabbed both of them by the arm and pulled them apart. They still swung wildly at each other hoping to land a blow.

     “That’s enough!” said Ryan. “You two are brothers. You shouldn’t be acting like this towards each other.”

     “But he never lets me do anything.”

     Nicholas replied, “I would if you would stop acting like a baby and stop following me around like a damn puppy!”

     Brandon tried to kick at Nicholas, “I am not a puppy. Take it back.”

     “Make me.”

     Ryan said, “That will be enough, both of you!”

     A door from upstairs slammed. Ryan heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He thought it was one of their parents coming to see what the whole commotion was about. He tried to prepare himself for what was to come. It was their oldest brother, Eric. Ryan noticed that he had his coat on. He was heading out.

     Eric turned to his brothers, “You boys had better keep it down before Mom and Dad come down.” He almost had no emotion in his voice. It was almost like he didn’t care whether or not they got into trouble.

     Brandon broke free of Ryan’s grip and rushed over to Eric. He had tears in his eyes, “Eric, Nick won’t let me play his game. He never lets me do anything.”

     Eric looked down at his brother and said, “And your point?” His eyes were as cold as ice.

     “Make him let me play with him,” pleaded Brandon. “Please.” He grasped at Eric’s coat and looked at him so innocently.

     Eric just replied, “No.”

     “Why not?”

     Eric explained, “Because it is Nicholas’s game. It’s up to him whether or not you get a chance to play.” Tears rolled down Brandon’s cheek. Nicholas just smirked at him.

     “It’s not fair,” he cried.

     “Life’s not fair.”

     Ryan couldn’t believe the way Eric was acting. Why was he acting like this? He went to confront his little brother, but he took off out of the family room.

     Brandon turned around to face them and said, “I’m telling Mom.” He ran down the hall crying for her. Ryan turned and grabbed Eric stopping him.

     He asked, “Why did you do that?” He held his shoulder tightly.

     Eric glared at him, “It’s time he learned how life is.”


     Ryan turned and said, “Stay out of this, Nicholas.” He turned back to Eric who was already heading for the side door. “Where are you going?”

     “None of your business,” Eric grabbed for the door knob.

     Ryan said, “I want to come. We need to talk.”

     “Did I invite you?” replied Eric. Ryan had no response. “That’s what I thought. That’s the problem with you people. You can’t stay out of my business, and as a result, you ruin my life. I need to get out of here. We have nothing more to talk about.” He shrugged Ryan’s hand and opened the door.

     A voice shouted from down the hall, “Boys, get off those video games now! It’s time you finish your homework.” Their mother walked into the room closely followed by Brandon.

     Nicholas said, “But, Mom, I’m not finished the level I’m on. I’ll be done in another…” She cut him off before he could finish. Ryan could tell she wasn’t impressed with his attempt at buying more time.

     “You’re done now.”

     “Yeah,” said Brandon, “you’re done now.” Nicholas lunged forward as if to attempt to hit him, but he stopped just short. He gave Brandon the evil eye as if to tell him that this wasn’t over. Brandon just sneered at him.

     “You have ten seconds to get up to your rooms and get started on your homework,” She noticed Eric sneaking out the door. “Where do you think you’re going so late on a school night?”

     “I swear,”replied Eric. “Can’t anyone give me my space?”

     Their mother wasn’t amused, “I don’t care for your tone, Eric. Now, where are you going?”

     “Out, okay?” said Eric. “I’m going out with my friends.”

     Concern drew over her face, “I wish you would get some better friends. I don’t like Daniel and his crew. They’re nothing but trouble.”

     “We’re not doing this again, Mom,” said Eric. “I’ve done all of my homework, and all of my chores are done so you need to back off.”

     Her mouth just dropped in disbelief, “How dare you speak to me like that? I’m still your mother. I demand an apology right now, Eric James Harper.” Ryan knew she meant business now. Whenever the middle name was brought out, they were at the point of no return. Eric stared coldly into her eyes. He then turned and left. “Eric! You come back here this second. I mean it.”

     “I’ll get him, Mom.” Ryan made his way to the side door to chase after him, but their mother stopped him.

     “No, Ryan,” she said. “Eric is my responsibility. Go and get started on your homework.”

     The lights flickered. It started with a small tremble in the ground and grew until the entire house was shaking on its foundation. It was followed by a loud roar. Pictures fell off their place on the wall, and shelves fell over as she grabbed for her children. She pulled Nicholas and Brandon close to her to protect them.

     She looked desperately at Ryan and pleaded with him, “Quick, come here. Please.”

     Ryan wasn’t listening. He wanted to know what was causing the earth to tremble. He quickly grabbed the door frame to prevent himself from stumbling over. This was no earthquake. Something flew over their house, but what would fly that close. He felt the urge deep in his chest. He had to see what that was.

     He rushed outside despite their mother’s protests where he saw Eric who was still recovering from the ground shaking. The night sky above them lit up from a flash of light. It appeared to be some sort of glowing object streaking across the night sky. A UFO? He didn’t know what to make of it. He rushed over to Eric who was pulling himself up using a nearby trash can. Ryan placed his hand on his shoulder to let Eric know he was there. They both watched as the glowing ball of flame began to flicker. Then, it was gone. It vanished right before their eyes. What did they just see? Ryan didn’t have an answer. He saw that Eric was left stunned in silence. He apparently didn’t know either.

     Something caught the corner of Ryan’s eye. He turned to see a boy standing in the front yard of a house that was three doors down from them. He must have also seen the UFO blazing across the sky. Something puzzled Ryan, though. No one lived at that house. For a matter of fact, no one had lived there for months. Kids talked about the place being haunted saying they saw strange lights coming from the upstairs and the barn in the back, but he was hardly a ghost. What was he doing there then?

     That question rattled around in his head until he heard their mother calling for them. She wanted them inside. He helped his brother back to the house who he could feel was still shaken up. As they made it to the door, Ryan had to look back one more time. The boy was gone. He disappeared into thin air. He scanned the street and the yards to see if he could find him, but the boy was nowhere to be found. What was going on here? What was that object in the sky? Who was that boy? He was going to find out.


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